Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

·         How does the SMS feedback work?
Using a mobile phone with a local SIM card, SMSes from beneficiaries will be received and forwarded to a private administration section of the dashboard supported by Ushahidi platform at

·         What times are best to send messages?
You can send feedback any time that suits you. The SMS feedback line is open 24/7, including weekends and public holidays.

·         Where do my messages go?
The comments you send are only read by 4 people, 2 of whom are responsible for processing feedback messages. Once they have processed, translated to English, and categorized your messages, they will post them on this website:
, but your personal details and phone number will not appear in public.

·         How much does it cost me?
Only the cost of one SMS text message at your normal network rate. You will not be charged anything more, nor will you be subscribed to any other services.

·         What happens after I send the message?
You will receive an automated reply acknowledging your message and thanking you for your feedback. If your message regards a complaint or enquiry, and only if it is directly related to a DRC project, we will pass it to the relevant department and let you know what actions are to be taken. If you do not wish to be contacted by anyone, simply ignore the reply message and no further contact will be made.

·         What is the different between the existing complaint mechanism and the beneficiary feedback system?
 Feedback messages are vital to ensure DRC is in direct contact with beneficiaries and hear their voices in order to monitor projects better and improve on delivery. Feedback messages do not need to be followed up beyond the automated response. Complaints and suggestions directly affecting DRC projects, on the other hand, will be dealt with by the relevant department and outcomes relayed to the beneficiary. Complaints and suggestions regarding third party and other humanitarian agencies, DRC will not be able to address but we will forward to the relevant agency for you.

·         Can I trust you not to use my mobile phone number or pass it on to anyone else?
Yes.  DRC’s Beneficiary Feedback will not use your phone number or make it available to anyone else unless you specifically give permission. Even when you do, you will only be contacted if necessary to help the relevant person deal with your complaint or query.

·         What if I want something sorting out quickly?
The Beneficiary Feedback is a convenient feedback service designed to help beneficiaries have their say, express opinions, etc. If you have an issue that needs sorting out immediately and that is part of an ongoing project, we will forward your message to a field officer near you. But if it concerns a service provided by a third party, we can only forward them your message and urge them to follow up.

Su’aalaha uguu badan ee layska waydiiyo qaabka habkani u shaqeeyo: 

·         Siduu habkani u shaqeeyaa?
Iyadoo la adeegsanaayo moobilka, kuwaas oo ku xidhan Sistam la yidhaahdo Daashboodh oo uu taageeraayo soo bandhige layidhaahdo “Platform”, ayaa maasayjkii gaabnayd ee ay soo direen ka faa’iidaystayaashu waxaa la dhigayaa mareegta hay’adda ee
    ·         Xilligee ugu fiican ee maasayj la diri karaa?
Sistamku wuxuu shaqaynayaa 24 saacadoodba, xataa maalmaha fasaxa la yahay, waxaanad diri kartaa fariintaada xillikasta oo kuu haboon in aad dirto.
·         Maasayjkaygu xaguu tagayaa?
Fariinta aad dirto waxaa akhrinaaya 4 qof oo qudha, 2 ka midihi waa cidda habaynaysa ee turjumaysa ka dibna dhigi doonta mareegta hay’adda. Laakiin magacaaga, telefankaaga iyo faahfaahintaada lama dhigaayo, kana muuqanmaayaan mareegta hay’adda ee
·         Maxaa karash igu kacaya?
Kaa qaadan mayso kharash aanka ahayn inta maasayjka caadiga ah lagu diro, ma jiro wax dheer oo ay kaa goosanaysaa.
·         Maxaa dhacaya markaan diro maasayjka ka dib?
Isla marka aad dirto masayjkaaga waxaad helaysaa fariin degdega ah, oo lagaaga mahadcelinaayo fikrada aad soo dirtay.  Haddii fariintaadu la xidhiidho cabasho ama dalab war dheeri ah, oo si toosa u khusaysa Hay’adda DRC mashaariicdeeda, waxaa si toosa loogu gudbindoonaa cidday khusayso, waana kula soo socodsiin doonaa talaabada la qaadi doono. Hadaadan rabin in lagula soo xiriiro, lagulama soo xiriiri doono.
·         Ma idinku aamin karaa in aydaan isticmaalin nambarkeyga,  ama inaydaan cid kale u gudbin?
Waa sax, DRC habkeedani awood uma laha in uu numberkaaga isticmaalo ama uu cid kala siiyo, haddaanu adiga ogolaansho kaa haysan, waxaa kaliya oo kula soo xidhiidhi karaa waa cidda cabashadaada iyo warkaad rabtay jawaabtiisa ku siinaysa. 

·         Haddaan rabo in arrin si degdeg ah in la iigu qabtana?
Habkani waa mid loo abuuray in uu kuu adeego  kaana caawiyo in aad soo gudbiso arragtidaada iyo fikradaadaba si xor ah, sidaas awgeed haddaad rabto in arrin si degdega wax lagaaga qabto taas oo la xidhiidha mashaariicaha hadda socda, waxaanu fariintaada kuugu gudbin doonaa masuuliyiinta goobaha kuugu dhow. Laakiin hadday arrintaadu khusayso hay’addaha kale een wadda shaqayno, waxaanu karnaa oo qudha in aanu kuugu tabino howshaada, kuna boorino in ay si degdeg ah wax uga qabtaan.
·         Waa maxay farqiga u dhexeeya habkii cabasho tabinta ee horey u jirey iyo habkan fikrad dhiibashada ee cusub?
§  Fariintan toos ka ah ee ka faa’iidaystayaashu waxay muhiim u tahay in la maqlo codka ka faa’iidaystayaasha, taas oo u sahlaysa habka kormeerka howlaha oo horumarin iyo degdegsiinyo siinaysa.
§  Haabkan fikrad celinta ka faa’iidaystayaashu uma baahna in laga jawaabo madaama ay tahay fariin.
§  Cabashooyinka iyo soo jeedimaha ku saabsan DRC mashaariicdeeda, waxaa loo gudbinayaa masuuliyiinta mashruuca laga cabanayo, iyadoo jawaabta soo baxdana loo gudbin doono ka faa’iidaystayaashii soo diray.
§  Cabasha iyo soo jeedimaha khuseeya hay’addaha  kale ee ku lug leh gargaarka bini-aadannimo, DRC awood umalaha in ay ka jawaabto laakiin waxay kaa caawindoontaa in ay ayaga u gudbiso fariintaadii.

Guide on the use of the Danish Refugee Council’s Beneficiary SMS Feedback System

Beneficiary Guide: About iFeedback

Beneficiary Feedback is a quick and convenient way for you to give feedback about projects funded or services provided by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) using the SMS Beneficiary Feedback system.  The SMS feedback system enables beneficiaries to have a direct access to DRC and a voice in the decision-making process to allocate funds to local projects. It also helps DRC better monitor the effects of the projects on the ground.

Habkani waa mid kuu sahlaaya in aad soo gudbiso fikradaada ku saabsan mashaariicda aad ka faa’iidaysato ee hay’adda  DRC kuugu deeqday, adigoo adeegsanaaya in aad maasayj ku soo dirto moobilkaaga gacanta. Habkan isticmaalka fariinta gaaban ee moobilku wuxuu kuu suurto galinayaa in aad si toos ah  fariin ama codkaaga ugu dirto go aan qaateyaasha Hay’adda DRC, si ay qorshaha ugu darsadaan talladda iyo tusaalaha aad siisay ee la xidhiidha mashaariicda gudaha ee DRC. Habkani wuxuu ka caawinayaa DRC in ay si fiican u kormeeraan mashaariicda socota.
Benefits of the SMS beneficiary system:
·         Simple to use — just send your comment from your mobile phone by texting to +252 2 4000919.
·         Immediate — no waiting around, you can say what you want while it’s on your mind. Time flexible, send messages anytime convenient for you.
·         Anonymous — no hassle, safe and if it’s a bad comment, there’s no confrontation and nobody to upset.
·         Result! — Be heard and be part of the decision-making, if you don’t tell us, we won’t know. You can make a difference!
·         Voice option — Sending an SMS is strongly recommended. However, if that is not possible, you can leave a voice message using the complaint hotline: +252 2 4038322, during office hours, 8am to 4pm, Thursday to Sunday.

Haggaha sida loo isticmaalaayo fikrad dhiibashada ku saabsan mashaariicda Hay’adda Danish Refugee Council (DRC) ayadoo la adeegsanayo moobiladda 

Faa’iidada habkani dirista maasayjku u leeyahay ka faa’iidaysta yaasha

·         Si fufud u isticmaalid fariintaada u dir numberkan +252 2 4000919, adigoo isticmaalyaaya moobilkaaga gacanta meelkastood joogto.

·         Degdegsiinyo ha sugin cidkale ee dir waxaad rabto in aad tabiso ee maskaxdaada ku jira, dir xiligkasta oo aad jaanis u hesho in aad maasayj dirto. 

·         Kalsoonidda warkaaga ha dhibsan in aad gudbiso ceeb iyo cillo nuxurka  ay leedahay fariintaadu, cidna waxba kuu raaci mayso. 

·         Natiijada fariintada — Codkaaga dhiibo oo fikradaada ha la maqlo, haddaadan wax noo sheegin, ma ogaan karno ra’yigaag. Ka qaybqaado isbedelka horumarka socdo. 

·         Fariin Codd ah – Waa muhiim in aad fariin qoraal ah soo dirtaa laakiin hadday kuu suurto gali waydo waxaad fariin cod ah ku duubi kartaa lambarka cabashadda oo +252 2 4038322, maalmaha shaqadda oo ah ee Axadda ilaa iyo Khamiista, saacadaha u dhexeeya 8da iyo 4ta galabnimo.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Warbixinta Mashruuca Cusub ee Fikrad Dhiibashada - Update in Somali. See previous post for the English version.

Mashruucan fikrad dhiibashada ee ka faa’iidaystayaasha iyo Hay’adda DRC mashaariicdeeda kala duduwani ku kala warqaataan wuxuu si toosa u bilaabmay 1dii bisha Semtember 2011ka, markaas oo uu shaqadda bilaabey isku xidhaha mashruucu.
Wajiga hore ee mashruucan oo tijaabo ahi wuxuu ka hoos shaqayndoona meelaha ay ka socdaan mashaariicda DRC gaar ahaan mashruuca loo yaqaano CDRD. Halkii ugu horaysay ee mashruucan fikrad dhiibashada ee ka faa’iidaystayaasha lagu tijaabiyey waxay ahayd degmadda Ceel-Afwayn ee gobolka Sanaag, Soomaaliland. Go’aanka lagu qaatay in mashruucan fikrad dhiibashada lagu tijaabiyo halkaas waxay tahay in dadka degen deegaanka Ceel-Afwayn ee ka faa’iidaysta mashruuca CDRD ay yihiin dad si fiican u degan isla markaana inta baddan adeegsadda aaladda mobilka taas oo awood u siinaysa in ay jawaab celin ku samayn karaan qaabka fikrad dhiibashada.
Iyadoo marka mashruucu si fiican u dhaqaaqana lagu baahin doono dhammaanba goboladda kale ee Somaliland, Putland iyo koonfurta Somalia ilaa iyo December. Marka la gaadho February 2012, wajiga saddexaad ee tijaabadu waxay ka bilaabmi doontaa Muqdisho halkaas oo lagu tijaabin doono ka faa’iidaystayaasha qoysas ka mid ah kuwa hela lacag taakulayn ah, oo ka mid ah mashaaricda cusub ee DRC.
Qorshaha tijaabo ee habkani wuxuu ahaa in la bilaabo bishii October, laakiin ma suurto galin, maxaa yeelay waxaa cilad farsamo ku timid telefooka kaas oo lagu isticmaalaayey moobil maxali ah, isaga oo marka uu fariinta ka helo ka faa’iidaystayaasha si toosa ugu xidhmaaya gudbiyaha Ushahidi platform. Oo isna ku sii xidhan mareegta mashruucan oo ah: htt://
Fariinta marka la helo waxaa la dhigi doonaa qaybta dadwaynaha ee dashboard-ka. Si kastooy tahay safarkii aanu ku tagnay Ceel-Afwayn wuxuu ku soo beegmay iyadoo aanu noo shaqaynaynin telefoon-ku oo uu naga ciladaysnaa waxaanu isku daynay in aanu isticmaalno moobilka ee caadiga ah.
Safarkani wuxuu naga caawiyey in aanu ka dareen qaadano sida ay ka faa’iidaystayaashu uga faa’iidaystaan mashaariicda DRC, qaabka ay u maamulaan deeqda la siiyo iyo in ay soo dhawaynay donaan mashruucan cusub ee fikrad dhiibashada. Iyo hadduu telefoonka si fiican uga shaqeeyo goobahooda iyo in kale.
Cilladda farsamo ee uu shaqayn waayey telefoonku waxay sababtay in dib loo dhigo mashruuca in loo gudbiyo Muqdishu taariikhda markay ahayd 13/11/2011ka, waxay dib ugu dhacday ilaa iyo bisha labaad ee 2012ka.
Waxaanu qaadanay Management Information System Officer, kaas oo bilaabi doona shaqadda 19th December, 2011ka. Dib u dhacyadan yaryari awgeed waxaanu goaansannay in aanu xoogga saarno kaliya mashruuca CDRD ka faa’iidaystayaashiisa ku nool Somaaliland iyo Putland ilaa iyo dhammaadka sanadka 2011ka.
Safarkii tijaabinta fariinta gaaban ee Ceel-afwayn.
Mashruuca la yidhaahdo CDRD  wuxuu ka socdaa in ka badan 17 tuulo oo ay ka mid tahay magaaladda Ceel-Afwayn, iyo agagaarkeeda kuwaas oo hoos yimaada degmada Ceel-Afwayn ee gobolka Sanaag. Ceel-Afwayn gudaheeda waxaanu ka dooranay 4 tuulo, maxaa yeelay waxaa ay ku kala duwan yihiin mashaariicyada CDRD ee ka socda, tuulo kastana waxaay leedahay networka heerar kala xoogan. Waxaanu go’aansanay in ay tuulooyinkaasi yihiin meelaha ku haboon oon mashruuca aan kaga ogaan karno siduu u shaqayn doono iyo ciladaha ka imaan kara.
Safarkan  aanu ku kaga bilaabnay mashruuca degmada Ceel-Afwayn wuxuu dhacay 4tii bishii October ilaa iyo 11 keedii, 2011ka.  Waxaana la booqday meelaha hoos ku qoran:

1.    Ceel-Afwayn, oo la aas aasay sannadkii 1940kii waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaaya ilaa iyo 9600 ruux.
2.    Tuulladda Godcaanood, oo la aas aasay sannadkii 1960kii waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaaya ilaa iyo 2100 qof.
3.    Tuulladda Kal-sheekh, oo la aas aasay sannadkii 1959kii waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaaya ilaa 1800 ruux.
4.    Tuullaadda Beerwayso, oo la aas aasay sannadkii 19978kii waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaaya 1650 qof.
5.    Tuulladda Gal iyo Qac, oo la aas aasay sannadkii 2004 waxaana ku nool dad gaadhaaya ilaa iyo 1500 qof.
Ujeedada Safarka
Ujeedada safarkan wuxuu ahaa in la wargaliyo loona sharaxo ka faa’iidaystayaasha ahmiyadda uu u leeyahay mashruucan  cusub iyo in iskaashi lagala sameeyo sidii ay fikradooda u soo diri lahaayeen isla markaana ay dhexdooda isku wargalinlahaayeen in ay isticmaalaan habkan, si loo ogaado awooda ay u leeyihiin in ay hay’adda xidhiidh la soo sameeyaan iyo haddiiba ay jiraan caqabado xagga networka ahi kuwaas oo saamayn ku yeelan kara mashruucan inta uu socdo.
Si loo ogaado habka mashruuca fikrad dhiibashada uu u shaqayn doonto, waxaa la doortay ka faa’iidaystayaal kala duwan, sida iskuuladda wax laga qabtay, kuwa suuliyadda loo dhisay, kuwa loo sameeyey gacannadda waraabka beeraha, kuwa taangiyadda iyo baraagaha biyaha loo sameeyey, iyo dumaradda laga caawiyey dhaqaale abuurka “gaar ahaan dumarka loo abuuray ganacsiga yaryar”, kuwa loo qaybiyey qalabka beeraha iyo ka faa’iidaystayaasha kale sida gudida horumarinta bulshadda iyo gudida horumarinta xaafaddaha.
Ugu horayn waxaaan booqanay ka faa’iidaystayaasha taangiga biyaha ee loo dhisay magaaladda Ceel-Afwayn, isbarasho ka dib gaar ahaan dumarka waxaan ogaanay in aanay badankoodu waxna qorin waxna akhrin taas oo aan u suurto galin karin in ay fariin noo soo diraan ayagoon la caawin.
Nasiib wanaag intii aan booqashadda ku gudda jirnay waxaan la kulanay dumarka ka faa’iidaystayaasha qaarkood oo ay caruurtoodu casharadii iskuulka ee laylisyada ka shaqaynayaan, markii aanu waydiinay in ay caruurtu hooyadood ka caawin karaan fariin dirista, waxay noo balan qaadeen in ay ka caawin doonaan hooyooyinkood oo ay fariinta soo diridoonaan la xidhiidha saamaynta ay wixii loo qabtay noloshooda ku yeelatay.
Arrintani waxay fikir fiican naga siisay in aanu howshan la kaashan karno ciyaal iskuulka, macalimiinta iyo maamulayaasha dugsiyada si ay qayb uga noqdaan cidda naga caawinaysa socod siinta barnaamijka iyagoo lagala xidhiidhi doono ka faa’iidaystayaasha kale ee hoos yimaada magaalada Ceel-Afwayn.
Waxaa kale oo aanu la kulanay ardayda iskuulaadka Ceel-Afweyn oon kala hadalnay fikradan ah inay ardada iyo hooyooyinka iska kaashadaan habka fikrad dhiibashada iyo inay ayaga naftooda noo soo diraan fikradooda ku saabsan sida dhisitaanka iskuulaadka, berkadaha iyo suuliyada noloshoodu u saamaysay. Ardaydu waxay inoo sheegeen inay ka qayb qaadan donaan mashruuca oyna caawin doonaan waalidiintooda. Si doo kale waxaanu waydiisanay macalimiinta, maamulayaasha iyo ardayduba in ay noo noqdaan cidda ay la xidhiidhayaan ka faa’iidaystayaashu haddii ay wax qoris ama diris u baahdaan cid ka caawisa iyo wixii la mida.
Inkastoo ilaa hadda aanu helnay fariimo aan badnayn oo ka timid ka faa’iidaystayaasha mashruuca CDRD, haddana waxaanu ku rajo waynahay in ka dib markaan dabagal ku samayno sababta aan ilaa iyo hadda loo soo dirin fariimo badan, ogaanana hadday caqabado dhaqaale haystaan iyo inkale, in fariimo badan naloo soo diri doono.
Waxaa kale oo howshan tijaabada ah ku lamaan shabakada dadwaynaha oo aanu ugu talo galnay in cidda xubnaha nagala ah howsha aanu wadno, sida hay’addaha gargaarka caalamiga ah, dadwaynaha iyo cidii la mida, in aanu ku wadaagno wixii casharo iyo khibradda ee aanu ka barano howshan fikrad dhiibashada ka faa’iidaystayaasha.

Waxaananu leenahay Blog, Facebook, Twitter iyo Website kuwaasoo dhammaan ku xidhan GPS map oo ku tusaya meelkasta oo ay mashaariicdu ka socdaan, cidii u baahana ay nagala socon karaan waxqabadku kolba halka uu maraayo.

Waxaa la soo daabacay: Arbaca, 23 kii November 2011
Faadumo Cabdulahi - Communications Officer for Accountability, Danish Refugee Council
Translated by: Cabdirahman Cabdilahi Muse
MIS Officer for Accountability - DRC Somalia

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update on DRC’s Pilot Accountability Project - 16/11/2011

Since our first blog post on the Humanitarian Innogation Fund's website, on July 13, 2011, the pilot accountability project, which uses SMS to gather feedback from beneficiaries,has formally started on September 1st, 2011, with the hiring of the Communications Officer.
The first phase of the pilotwill be implemented primarily through the Community-Driven Recovery and Development Project (CDRD). Partners for the SMS feedback testing were selected from CDRD projects in ElefwaynDistrict, Sanaag region, Somaliland. The decision to test the SMS feedback system on a CDRD project in Somaliland is based on the fact that these projects are implemented in relatively stable communities where members are most likely to own mobile phones which will enable the team to assess the beneficiaries’ response to the project better. Once the feedback system is up and running, it will be rolled out to all the other CDRD projects currently implemented in Somaliland Puntland, and central Somalia until December 2011. In February, 2012, a third phase of the SMS feedback will be rolled out to a select number of families in Mogadishu who are receiving cash relief.
The plan to test out the SMS using an android tablet from the start of October was delayed due to a technical error which prevented it from delivering the SMSes as expected. The android tablet will be used with a local SIM card to receive the SMSes, it will then automatically synchronize with the Ushahidi platform on the dashboard of our website: After which, we will process the messages and post them on the public section of the dashboard. However, the planned trip went ahead without the tablet in place and we have used a normal mobile phone to receive the messages until the tablet was ready. The trip helped the team to get a sense of how the beneficiaries managed the projects, their decision-making process, if they would welcome the idea of SMS feedback and if mobile phone networks worked properly in the villages.
The delays caused by the technical errors in putting the android tablet to use has meant moving the original 13/11/2011 SMS roll out date to Mogadishu to February 2012. We have recruited the Management Information Systems Officer, who will start on 19thDecember. With these initial minor setbacks, we have decided to focus on SMS feedbacks only from CDRD beneficiaries based in Somaliland and Puntland until end of December.

SMS testing field trip summary
CDRD has implemented projects in 17 villages in Elafweyn District,Sanaag region, Somaliland, including Elefweyn town. Out of these, we have selected Elafweyn town and 4 villages, because they have diverse projects representing CDRD’s initiatives, located in areas with different network coverage levels and at different implementation stages. We think these are small and diverse enough group and make ideal partners to get a good idea of how the SMS feedback system will work and realistically assess any challenges that may arise.
The first SMS feedback testing took place between the 4th and 11th October, 2011. We have partnered with beneficiaries from:
1. Elafweyn town, established in 1940 with a population of 9600.
2. Godaanood village, established in 1960 with a population of 2100.
3. Kalsheikh village, established in 1959 with a population of 1800.
4. Beerweeso village, established in 1978 with a population of 1650.
5. And the most recently established village and latest CDRD partner, Gal and Ka, established in 2004 with a population of 1500.
Purpose of the visit was to inform and explain to beneficiaries of the new project, consult them on most effective way to get feedbacks and to spread the word, get an idea of their level of literacy and communication skills, and find out possible network and other potential challenges that might affect the project.

To assess how the beneficiaries of different projects will respond to the project, we have selected beneficiaries from diverse projects ranging from roof water catchment (tanks), schools, public toilets, irrigation canals, revolving funds (mainly for women to run small income-generating businesses), distribution of agriculture tools, to other beneficiaries and facilitators such as the Community Development Committees and Village Development Committees.
From the first visit to the water tank beneficiaries in Elafweyn town, we learnt most of them, particularly the women, are illiterate and will not be able to participate in the project without help. Luckily, during one such visit, we have met a beneficiary with her young son doing his homework in the same room and when we asked him if he would be interested in taking part of the project to both give feedback about how having a class room, water tank, and access to public toilet, all built by CDRD-funded projects, have affected his life. He was enthusiastic and agreed to take part.
This gave us an idea to incorporate school children, teachers and headmasters into the project to partner with parent beneficiaries and act as the focal people to follow up with in case we do not hear from particular town or village. We have also noticed during meetings with the beneficiaries, the most alert and inquisitive people were children and school teachers, followed by some of the female beneficiaries.
Therefore, in each village and Elafweyn town, we have asked a school teacher, headmaster or a student to act as the contact/focal person in case there is no feedback, people can’t write, or any other technical issues arise. So far, we have received very few SMSes from the beneficiaries and after few more phone calls to the focal persons, we expect more SMSes to follow. We are also trying to find out if the few SMSes are due to financial difficulties as most of the beneficiaries are very poor.
As part of the project and to compliment the SMS feedback, we have set up social media pages to document the pilot project from the start and share our lessons with other Humanitarian agencies and stake holders. We have a blog, Facebook, Twitter and anwebsite with interactive GPS maps of where our projects are based, people can follow us here:

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First SMS feedback!

The first beneficiary feedback SMS arrived on 20/10/2011 from a grade 5 female student living in Elafweyn town. She wrote "I would like to thank the Community-Driven Recovery and Development (CDRD) Project for the projects they have implemented: including building toilets, which has contributed positively to the hygiene of the town. Before the toilets were built, a lot of people were without toilets and used to defecate outside and it could have affected the health of the town's residents. The CDRD has also built water tanks. Before the water tanks, there was a shortage of water and it was expensive."
I am giving this feedback from my point of view as a student.

Greetings to all the DRC staff.

Rahma Said,
Grade 5 student
Elafweyn Town

Fariintii ugu horeysay ayey ardayad dhigata dugsiga dhexe ee Ceel Af Weyn noo soo dirtey taariikhda markey ahayd 20/11/2011. Waxay soo qortay "CDRD way ku mahadsantahay hawlaha kala duwan ee ay noo qabatay. Kuwaasoo kala ah: suuliyo ay dhistay, kuwaasoo ka qayb qaatay nadaafada degmada iyadoo ay jireen dad badan oo aan suuliyo lahayn oo ku saxaroonjiray agagaarka degmada. Taas oo wax yeelaynkaraysay caafimaadka dadka degmada ku nool. Waxay kaloo CDRD qoday berkado. Ka hor intii aanay qodin biyuhu way yaraayeen waxayna ahaayeen qaali"

Waxaan salaamayaa dhamaan shaqaalaha hay'adda DRC anigoo fikradaydii ardaynimo dhiibanaya.

Rahma Said,
Class-ka 5aad
Ceel Af Weyn

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Elafweyn Field Trip 5th to 11th October, 2011

Elafweyn is the second largest town in Sanaag Province and is located 95km Southwest of Erigavo, the capital city of Sanaag Province in Somaliland. First settled in 1940, it became a town in 1972 and officially recognized as a district in 1974. The town has 1600 households and it is estimated each household has an average of 6 people, whichmakes the town's population 9600.

Projects for SMS testing:
I met with beneficiaries of the roof water catchment (tanks), schools and the Community Development Committee.  
  1. Roof water catchment – Second phase of tanks for 20 families were completed in May, 2011 and first phase of tank for 20 families were completed in mid 2009.
  2. High School - 2 rooms, 90 students
  3. Community Development Committee (CDC) – 11 members
Household beneficiaries:
40 families x 6 = 240
+5 (neighbouring families) x 6 (family members) x 40 (household with tanks) = 1200
1200 + 240 = Total of direct beneficiaries 1440

1440 people are direct beneficiaries from water catchment from rain but when there is no rain and tank owners sell water from commercial suppliers, only 240 people from the 40 tank owning families benefit directly and others buy water for affordable price. In latter case, the beneficiaries include all the town residents.

I met with 25 representatives of the 40 water tank beneficiaries, all the students and 8 of the 11 CDC members. The school Headmaster is the only person who is a member of both CDC and water tank beneficiaries and as such, an ideal person to work closely with to monitor the SMS feedbacks. I met the water tank beneficiaries twice, on the 5th and 12th October, 2011. On the 5th, I met with 8 families but I didn’t have the SMS feedback number and the meeting was informal, just to get an idea of the project, the beneficiaries and how they managed the tanks.

Women are in charge of the everyday management of the tanks and most of them are illiterate. They are used to getting staff to sit down with them to collect their feedback and therefore were keen to talk more than to write an SMS with the detailed feedback we are asking. The level of informality helped me get honest responses from the women, as I went on my own without any formal introduction. One of the beneficiariesconfided that she was keen to participate but can’t write or read! Luckily, her teenage son was in the room and offered to help.

This led to the idea to partner parents and children to collaborate on SMS sending. Parents can ensure the messages have been sent by waiting for an automated reply confirming the SMS is received. Both the parents and children seemed happy with this idea so I incorporated it into my next communication to the beneficiaries in the villages.

In the following days I visited 4 villages, Godcaanood, Kalsheikh, Beerweeson and Gal & Qac, and explained the project and how the SMS works to beneficiaries, Community Development Committees, Village Committee, women beneficiaries (where I felt men were dominating the discussion), school children and school Headmasters. 
The school children and women showed more enthusiasm for the SMS feedback idea more than the men I had met. They seemed happy to be involved in the project and especially to be asked of their opinion.
Lessons from this trip:
  1. Writing a concrete message explaining the aim of the project and how the SMS works was not enough. I had to spend considerable amount of time with each group explaining verbally and in detail.
  2. As I met more groups, I realized I had to improve my verbal communication and even got one of my colleagues from the Elafweyn office to come along and help with the wording, given the north vs south dialect difference. I felt together we did a better job.
  3. With each meeting, communication got easier and clearer. For that reason, I decided to revisit some groups in Elafweyn town to drive the message a bit deeper.
  4. To make sure all beneficiaries participate in the project, we have to include students to help illiterate parents and consider voice SMS option.