Wednesday, June 13, 2012

SMS feedback highlights – Part 1: Complaint

     Translated SMS: “My cash collection ID card was taken by force by one of your staff in the Mogadishu office when I went to collect my payments. I want to know why he took my card and would like your help in getting it back.  The staff who took my card accused me of having  a duplicate card, which is untrue.”

From male beneficiary, Cash Relief project, Bondhere, Mogadishu


Step 1: Complaint sent to the Mogadish Cash Relief team to investigate and send us a response.

Step 2: Mogadishu team sent this response – This man has 2 ID cards for one family, because his late wife and him have applied as 2 separate families. His wife has recently passed away and he has been collecting her cash as he is her next of kin, as written in our database. He has came to the bank with his ID card to receive the payment, and DRC team at the bank have realized he is collecting 2 payments for the same family, and have reported to me (Zaima, DRC Cash project manager).  We talked to the bank telling them not to pay this ID card. After investigation we raised his case with the area manager and agreed to take away his late wife’s card. He is among 14 other beneficiaries who have now been stripped of their duplicate ID cards.

He has contacted DRC Cash Project Manager by telephone and she has explained the cash policy that each household is entitled only to 1 ID card for cash collection. The beneficiary did not accept the policy and DRC’s decision.  The project manager asked him to come to the office to discuss face to face, he did not show up. He called her 2 days ago, sounding angry and threatening her to make “trouble” for the DRC if his late wife’ ID card is not returned to him. This was reported to Mogadishu Area Manager.

Step 3: We have spoken to the beneficiary relaying the above message from the project manager. He has confirmed the duplicate ID card indeed belonged to his late wife. He, however, tried to explain that his late wife's mother and her siblings were the beneficiaries of his wife's cash and he is now in a difficult position to support 2 families. The feedback team has again communicated to him the DRC cash policy, each household is entitled only to 1 card and there is nothing else we can do to help him.  Beneficiary is notified of the complaint closure as the Mogadishu team has followed procedure and thus he has no case. We have offered one last solution for him to meet the cash team in Mogadishu and talk things thorough calmly so they maintain good working relations.

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